I LOVE a good coffee mug even more than the flavorful coffee in it—a mug that says something so cool on it or one that a special friend has given me. My son gave me a purple (favorite color) mug a few Mother’s days ago that says “Believe” on one side and “With God all things are possible” on the other. I LOVE this mug, and I especially grab and use it when I’m up against something and I’ve really gotta’ press in for the change either in myself, the situation or both.
To my disappointment, I recently noticed that the “Believe” word is rubbing off of the mug (apparently from the dishwasher)! I’m heart-struck! I realized though that this is also a visual to what I’ve been battling inside of me. Not enough books sold; an incredible offer falling though; seemingly perfect opportunities not coming to pass. But I’m fighting and still moving forward in taking my ground, not despising the day of small beginnings and establishment in how ever many ways God knows I need. Is your belief wearing off? Don’t let it. Don’t entertain people who may brush up against you and wear off the word “Believe” or dreams or promises on your heart. It’s good for you to positively wear off on others, but do not let the unseeing others wear your belief off. Usually devotions or blogs have one scripture verse accompanying them, but under this condition, I bolster you with several. Keep your faith; keep your hope in God. He shall not disappoint. He may maneuver you differently than anticipated. The road may be longer than the distance you thought your shoes would have to travel to arrive at the destiny. Appreciate and enjoy the journey as well. For in these cases, the end result is still the same…greatness. For no lesser purpose has He made you. Don’t let your belief wear off. I hand wash my mug now. “The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’” Luke 17:5 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:20 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 “Fight the good fight of the faith” 1 Timothy 6:12 “Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” Psalm 126:4-6 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
MARRIED LADIES: Tell him he’s still your “At Last”. Plan your weekend now :) #kindle
SINGLE LADIES: Hold on…He’s coming. #faithup Speak the dream out loud so it won’t be a dream forever. The winters can be long (look at Michigan), but spring DOES COME EVERY YEAR. Even older Christians ARE marrying. Since when does God stop creating Love amongst His people. God is love. #Wordtrue “See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come” (Song of Solomon 2:11). Lyric "Heart wrapped up in clovers" = very happy. Hang on for YOUR "At Last". Last weekend I hosted a SURPRISE birthday party for my 17 year old son and a very good friend, Jerry, turning…older (age hidden to protect the innocent–lol). During the weeks of secrecy, preparation and tales, Jerry along with our friend Dave helped move someone from home to home. They worked so hard and late to be a blessing. Jerry texted me a few days after the move asking if our group could hold a special time of honor for Dave at an upcoming event. I said, “Sure!”
Little did Jerry know that at that very time frame, God was busy planning and pulling things and people into place to honor and surprise him just days ahead! My thoughts were "if you only knew!" Stop thinking God’s blessings are for everyone else. His blessings are for everyone else and YOU! His abundance is for everyone else and YOU, if you’ll only believe! “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes” (Mark 9:23). It takes faith and the knowing that God will be good to you too if you are also obedient! I know that when I’m waiting a long time for something to come, change or occur, I’m happier when I’m believing for it than when I’m in discouragement or doubt. And God knows that’s how that works, for He created “hope” too. "Put your hope in God" (Psalm 43:5). I love my surprises! It was fantastic to surprise Jerry with a party of joy and celebration of his life and who he is. A day after, Jerry said it was "one of his best days ever". God wants to give you your own “best days ever”. He wants to see your face light up and your smile go wide. God is all about “showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:6). And notice, the translation says “showing love”; believe and expect your prayers to show up in form. Lord, I thank you in advance for the pleasant surprises you have stored up for me. ![]() “It's Monday and I can't get you off my mind :-)” he wrote. Can you feel the excitement and the longing in that statement? Can you sense his captivation of her? I have daydreamt about a man before. You can spend quite a bit of time in it; before you know it, even an hour. There you sit going over and over the lines said to each other and imagining the ones you hope to hear/say with a smile upon your face and every feeling going as deep as your bones. Have you ever daydreamt about the Lord before? Have you ever laid your head on your pillow and let His tangible presence come around your head and heart? Have you sat in deep adoration lately and thought about all His amazing qualities—all His love, all His kindness, His tenderness. Sometimes I don’t want to move out of that place of bliss. I could sit forever in His sweetness. I love to sit and focus on His beauty, letting His splendor roll over and over in my soul. Have you soaked in His loveliness allowing each good feeling to overwhelm and touch your soul? Have you let your thoughts toward Him well up within you and become a runaway consuming day dream of real peace and wonder? Reflect on His ways and flawlessness; let your attention go toward Him; there’s nothing or no one else around so important or pure. Let Him claim your mind. Reflect. He is the King of my heart, soul and mind. |
Wisdom & encouragement to share with others!
AuthorDenise Flynn writes about Singleness, Relationships, Goal Obtainment & the Christian walk. Order Archives
January 2022