I grew up with chubby thighs. I never wanted to wear snow suits because I didn’t want to look bulky & I probably wanted to be able to move, lol. But had I just toned those areas in high school, I may have liked my body more. Exercise is important for all, first for health & then for physical image, if that affects you.
I’ve been actually overweight twice in my life; after marriage I started to gain, during pregnancy & until my son was age four and at age 56. There WILL NOT be a third! I’m very happy with my weight & shape now.
My healthy is like my faith journey…I want to FINISH WELL! No more weight explosions. And when I go home to the Lord, I’ll be in health & strong & slender but will just pass on into glory in my sleep or maybe even a beautiful beach snooze or when Jesus comes back to collect His saints. I don’t plan on giving up on mobility, strength or vitality. It is a DECISION & one that I have to keep REMAKING daily.
I’d been told in 2015 that I had low thyroid. I wasn’t even feeling anything wrong & didn’t take the prescription. The second time I heard it from another doctor, we monitored the numbers for a while.
In 2019/20, I was feeling horrible with incredibly low energy, mental alertness, sadness & confidence. I was loaded up to 189 plus pounds (& felt all of it) & tried to cover it up, but that was impossible. I searched for health shakes that would clear up the thyroid & bring the weight down.
Numbers didn’t change, I experienced a side effect from the patch that went with the shake I thought was natural. I felt better for a short burst but chose to cease from it.
I was feeling so poorly, I agreed to a prescription. I couldn’t stand for its side effects & asked to be weaned off after 2 months. By the goodness of God, I learned about “functional wellness doctors” & was led to the one I chose. I learned of a whole new world of health assessments. I learned I had food allergies, an unhealthy gut, hormonal imbalance, inflammation & parasites (which most people have). THAT is when I cried because my eating HAD TO CHANGE. AND THAT affected my baking business.
In hindsight, I can say that my weight gain & symptoms was a combination of knee injury, food allergies, hormonal imbalance, inflammation, parasites, living alone & life-strain. I also learned that thyroid blood tests are not the absolute trustworthy indicators.
My weight loss & health gain came from a combination of eating plans & my continued study of particular sources. My life changed. I’m better approaching age 60 than I was at 40! I’ve got new understanding & ways of eating, cooking & baking & new things to teach others!
I’m no longer strained to find clothes I like or wear. I still don’t want snow pants though. I’m thankful to know all the information (that would be too long to write here) to prosper me, my family and others. I know truth experienced.
I’m here to share how NATURALLY, God healed me with prayer, His promises, leading me to the right people & natural helps He has made.
Few will take the route of doing things in a more natural way but take an easier unnatural or less beneficial way for the long run. Sometimes we only change because we HAVE TO. And maybe that was me too; I’ll never know here, but I’m thankful to know this way.
I continue to know WHO & WHERE to turn to as new things would try to arise.
Set up a short chat with me to discover if me & REVITALIZE YOU! are what will help you transform & heal. People are getting off their medications.
I cannot claim that you will be well; there are many variances, but I can share how I transformed & how I see what you may need.