Writing & Editing Services with Denise

One of my least favorite and most favorite memories is from 4th grade. Mrs. Russell gave us an assignment to write a short story. We started with a piece of colored, folded construction paper, cut into sections and stapled together into a 4x5" booklet. We were to write a story inside it with crayon pictures about anything we wanted. I created two storybooks that I still have packed away! One story told about my first experience eating tacos and the other was titled The Scariest Thing. Though I can't recall at the moment what my scariest thing was, I distinctly recall I was very afraid of Mrs. Russell's response to the book.
But...I got a top grade on each one!
Has that ever happened to you? Afraid your writing won't make the critique?
Thinking of writing a book, but grammar and punctuation is difficult for you?

Denise's Services
Writing: Creating your piece.
Proofreading: "Making text more readable by assessing clarity, style and citations."
-Writers Workshop .illinois.edu
Editing: "Eliminating errors and mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling and formatting." -Writers Workshop .illinois.edu
Writing Coach: Discussing your project, how to go about it and keeping you on target. Self-publishing direction.
I perform these services for the following products:
- Manuscripts
- Websites
- Business letters
- Marketing pieces
- College papers (APA)
Contact me for an estimate 586-321-6327
Work in your strengths & find someone else for the rest!
Work in your strengths & find someone else for the rest!